


 :情感豐富。機會主義者天賦聰明,感覺敏銳,善於多方面發展。情感豐富,對愛侶更能體貼入微。敢於冒險,遇到困難亦能堅持下去,決不半途而廢行事多憑直覺,時亦會曲解事實而錯怪他人。    年份:1924  1936  1948  1960  1972  1984  1996  2008 RAT  Motional and oppirtunistic,The Rat is clever,sensitive and always cares for his lover.He is ready to face challenges.Whenever there is difficuty,He oill try his best to work it out. 牛:不屈不撓、權威主義者天生領導人才,屬權威主義者、待人處事需小心謹慎,再三考慮方可付諸實行。家庭觀念濃厚,對生活抱有積極的態度。具有不屈不撓,貫徹始終的性格。     年份:1925  1937  1949  1961  1973  1985  1997  2009 OX Powerfl and faithful,The Ox is a man of good leadership who always believes in the saying At Look before you leap.He also has a positive attitube towards his work and cares about his family. 虎:勇敢樂天、人類保護者,獨立心旺盛,喜歡單獨行動乃屬虎的特徵。生性樂於,具有堅毅不屈的精神、凡事胸有成竹,心藏謀略地守候著機會。虎乃吉祥的象徵,一生運勢頑強,但切忌自視過高。     年份:1926  1938  1950  1962  1974  1986  1998  2010 TIGER  Independent and optimistic.He is well organized and often works alone.He is lucky and will enjoy success but refrain from being too self-centred.  兔:高貴沉默、享樂主義者。天生溫順老實,高貴大方,沉默寡言兼備巧妙的口才,深受他人歡迎及愛戴,但卻易遭人嫉妒。具有獨特的氣質和鑒賞力,在設計及創作方面均很出色。敏捷的行動有時難免流於輕率,需特別留意自己的短處。     年份:1915  1927  1939  1951  1963  1975  1987  1999 RABBIT  Honest and elegant, He is well received by others but may at times causes envy.He is particularly able in design and creative work. 龍:驕傲自信、理想主義者。是理想的追求者為求自己的夢想努力不懈。龍象徵幸運、美德、和平及長壽。為人慷慨熱心,亦具非常的勇氣和自信。肖龍的女性有很多追求者、裙下之臣大不乏人。    年份:1916  1928  1940  1952  1964  1976  1988  2000 DRAGON  Confident and idealistic. Dragon is a symbol of luck,virtue,peace and longlife.He will do everything to make his dreams come true.He is also passionate,brave and generous. 蛇:美麗幽默、愛情善妒者。肖蛇的男性浪漫幽默,極具吸引力,而女性則美麗迷人。判斷力極強,做事循序漸進,必能攀上高峰。屬蛇的人既有同情心亦樂於助人。容貌多端麗,衣著非常講究,更著意修飾自己。    年份:1917  1929  1941  1953  1965  1977  1989  2001 SNAKE  Attractive and romantic. He is epuipped with exceptional judge ment and is conscientious.He is always well groomed. 馬:活潑開朗、群眾領導者性格外向、有同情心、受大眾歡迎。馬常有出眾的外貌,做任何事情都會獨斷獨行,不太接受別人的意見。善於管理金錢,但對愛情則不太高明,不懂得取悅異性。    年份:1918  1930  1942  1954  1966  1978  1990  2002  HORSE  Optimistic and a good leader. The Horse is Kind-hearted and liked own way and seldom accept managing his money but not by others.He always works in his the opinion of others. He is good a his love affairs. 羊:善心仁慈、任性藝術家。羊年出生的人是高貴的、迷人的、有藝術家氣質的,亦喜愛大自然。外表溫順,但秘藏其他的堅韌性與鬥志非比尋常。屬羊的人重視家庭,是疼愛子女的好父母。凡事顧慮周全,但需加強責任感,主動性和創造力。     年份:1919  1931  1943  1954  1967  1979  1991  2003 GOAT  Kind-heared and artistic.The Goat is elegant and chaming.He loves nature.He is much stronger than he looks.He loves his family.He is creative and responsible. 猴:頑皮聰慧、個人主義者猴是充滿智慧的知識分子,見聞廣博,有驚人的記憶力。猴像外交家一樣圓滑精明,能避免自己陷於困境。性格熱情,容易墮入情網,但用情不太專一,不易感到滿足。才幹智慧兼備。能製造時機,在事業上有出色的表現。     年份:1920  1932  1944  1956  1968  1980  1992  2004 MONKEY  Naughty but clever.The monkey is an intelligent persowith good memory.He acts like a politician in a way that he can avoid himself from falling into traps.He takes every opportunity to show off his ability.He can also perform his duties. 雞:瀟灑率直、愛出風頭者屬雞的人有先見之明,不輕信別人,但能向他人提供意見。雞年出生的人喜歡打扮自己,尤其是男性。女性對色彩的感覺有獨到之處。天生多福,物資不缺,工作方面亦多如願。在愛情方面,夫妻感情非常好,注重氣氛。     年份:1921  1933  1945  1957  1969  1981  1993  2005 POOSTER  Outspoken and high profile.The Rooster does not trust any one but he is ready to give advice and support others.He pays much attention to his outlook.He is born to be lucky and his life is fullof resources. 狗:誠懇正直、大智若愚者生性較為悲觀,喜歡尋求事物真相,對人生沒什麼祈求。狗給人無限信心,肯為別人服務,受別人尊敬。在愛情方面狗是誠懇和正直的,遇上煩惱亦只會責怪自己。     年份:1922  1934  1946  1958  1970  1982  1994  2006 DOG Frank but pessimistic.The Dog is eager to find out the truth.He is faithful.ready to arve others and that is why he can gain respects from others. 豬:大公無私、物質主義者。豬是勇武的、審慎的、有禮貌及樂於助人,性格大公無私,能承任自己的過失,亦能體諒別人的過錯,待人至誠,絕對可靠,選擇的朋友多是知交。適宜從事各行各業,他的良知及勤勞得以達致成功。     年份:1923  1935  1947  1959  1971  1983  1995  2007 PIG  Fair but materialistic.The pig is brave,thoughtful,polite,considerate and ready to help.He is also reliable and thus makes a lot of friends from different areas.His diligence and hardwork pave the way for his great succes. 

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