



外文名:Sonja Bennett







桑婭·本妮特(Sonja Bennett)1980年8月24日出生於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,身高170cm。她是一位演員,因出演《Young People Fucking》(花花性事),《Where the Truth Lies》(何處尋真相)和《Elegy》(輓歌)為人所知。


2012 In No Particular Order ---------------Claire

2012 Random Acts of Romance -----------------Lynn

2011 Pleased to Meet You (Short) ----------------Tracy

2011 Donovan's Echo 多諾萬的回聲-------------Sarah

2011 Rise of the Planet of the Apes 猩球崛起--------------Mother on Sidewalk (uncredited)

2011 Past Obsessions (TV Movie) ---------Estelle

2011 Gone 滅絕(TV Movie) -----------Liz Cook

2010/I Stained -------------Jennifer

2010 Fathers & Sons -----------------Sonja

2010 Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball 五路追殺令2:刺客舞會(Video) -----------Jules Scott

2010 The Client List 客戶名單(TV Movie) ------------Dee

2009 A Dog Named Christmas 聖誕狗 (TV Movie) -------------Hannah McCray

2009 Held Hostage 人質媽媽(TV Movie) ------------Sandi Clark

2009 Cole -----------------Maybelline

2009 Playing for Keeps (TV Movie) ---------Marsha Barclay

2008 Gold! Gold! Gold! (Short) --------------Trina

2008 Control Alt Delete ----------------Jane

2008/I Elegy 輓歌-------------------Beth

2008 Fatal Kiss (TV Movie) ------------Teresa

2007 Young People Fucking 花花性事--------------Mia

2007 Shutter (Short) ----------------Aurora

2007 The Cabinet (Short) -----------------Lizzie

2007 The Sandlot 3 沙地傳奇3(Video) -----------------Pearl

2006/II Catch and Release 捉放愛------------------Caterer

2006 Fido 殭屍人---------------Tammy

2006 Nostalgia Boy (Short) ----------------Connie

2005 Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber 上流秘笈 (TV Movie) --------------Eliza

2005 The Fog 鬼霧 -------------Mandi

2005 Where the Truth Lies 何處尋真相----------------------Bonnie

2005 Marker (TV Movie) --------------Kim

2004 The Perfect Score 超完美奪分---------------------Pregnant Girl

2003 Ferry Tale (Short) -------------Vicky

2003 My Life Without Me 沒有我的日子-----------------Sarah (uncredited)

2002 Dents in the Sky (Short) --------------Sue

2002 Punch --------------Ariel

2002 The Water Game -------------Grad


2013 Arctic Air 北極航線 (Season 2, Episode 12) -----------Miranda

2011 Hellcats 地獄貓 (Season 1, Episode 16) -------------Vicky

2008-2009 Battlestar Galactica 太空堡壘卡拉狄加 (Season 4, Episode 10,11,17) ------------Specialist 2nd Class Marcie Brasko

2009 Psych 靈異妙探 (Season 3, Episode 15) ------------Annie

2009 Exes & Ohs 女同性戀生存指南(第一季2;第二季5,7) -------------Kate

2008 Crime Stories (Season 6, Episode 7) -----------Vicki

2008 Fear Itself 恐怖之源 (Season 1, Episode 4) ------------Ruthie

2007 Eureka 靈異之城 (Season 2, Episode 9,11,12) -------------Callie Curie

2007 Painkiller Jane 魔影狂花 (Season 1, Episode 18) ------------Stacey

2007 Masters of Science Fiction 科幻大師(Season 1, Episode 3) --------------Judge Pomfrey

2007 Traveler (Season 1, Episode 4到6) ------------Maya

2007 This Space for Rent (Season 1, Episode 2,3) -----------April Melnyk

2006 Supernatural (Season 2, Episode 9) -------------Pamela Clayton

2006 Whistler (Season 1, Episode 12) ---------------Kate Judson

2006 Blade: The Series (Season 1, Episode 3,5,6) --------------Vanessa

2006 Killer Instinct (Season 1, Episode 11) --------------Darla

2005-2006 Godiva's (出演19集) -------------Daisy

2006 Stargate: Atlantis 星際之門:亞特蘭蒂斯(Season 2, Episode 17) --------------Dahlia Radim

2005 Masters of Horror 恐怖大師 (Season 1, Episode 7) ------------Dana

2004-2005 The Dead Zone 死亡地帶 (第三季1,2,12;第四季1) ---------------Rachel Caldwell

2004-2005 Cold Squad (第七季出演13集) -----------Det. Samantha Walters

2004 Tru Calling 神秘召喚 (Season 1, Episode 15) --------------Beth

2003 Peacemakers (Season 1, Episode 3) ------Georgia

2003 John Doe (Season 1, Episode 15) ----------Delphine Young

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